Saturday, November 21, 2009

2.2 Searching Twitter

I compared Twitter's own search engine with Twazzup - a third-party Twitter search engine, and went searching for tweets on Antarctica.

The difference between the two searches was vast.

Twitter's search engine was simple, reminding me of Google - "here's a list of Tweets with the word Antarctica in them. Here, too, is a random list of hot topics and searches totally unrelated to what you were looking for but we're tempting you with them anyway..."

Twazzup, on the other hand was much more. I could also view related images and the tweets that accompany them; popular Antarctica links and the tweets that accompany them; I could RT (re-tweet), reply, mouseover any link and then link directly to another tweet or link within THAT link... Sounds tricky. It wasn't. I liked it. I liked it very much.

And I found a tweet that linked to this YouTube video of a leopard seal killing penguins (unfortunate yes, but nature does what nature does) in an incredible display of nurturing survival. Awesome, I wish I was there.

2.1 Twittering

This is what I learnt from my first introduction to Twitter:

* One tweet = 140 words

* The language of Twitter is confusing; just what does this tweet by FeliciaSlattery mean... "@RichHopkins thx for #ff! Looking forward to introducing you to my folks in December! You're an awesome #Speaker". Sigh.

* NASA's twitter is interesting, frequent, and out-of-this-world.

* "RT" means re-tweet, something you do when you're repeat-tweeting another tweeter's tweet.

* Weird news makes intriguing tweets!
* But sadly, read about this horrific way of living in cages for the homeless in Hong Kong.

* I don't like the randomness of personal twitters - and think it's another time waster (I have confirmation from an actual Twitterer that yes, it IS a time waster, but a fun one). Having said that, I did find some interesting pics, vids, words, and had a couple "oh-that's-really-interesting" moments (like, is this really a traffic light in some European country??!!!)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

1.3 - Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a great way to 'share' and 'respect' images online. I've paid attention to these licences in the past as a guideline for what I can and can't do with an interesting photo or design.

The Get With It!!! Creative Commons licence allows others to share and adapt the programme for use non-commercially. I hope the programme IS used by others, it's superbly done and I highly recommend it!

Flickr generated a host of random photos when I went looking for something alternative and entered the keywords "creative licence". The following image tickled my funny bone - and its Creative Commons licence allows me to Share, Adapt, and Attribute it, non-commercially, and with the same Commons licence as the author (Tatiana Bazzichell) has mentioned.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

1.2 - Open ID

Ok, so, let's see if I've got this right...

...having an OpenID login means I can use my username (for instance) to log in to a completely different website (say, and at the point of login I will be redirected to the Blogspot login page and asked to log in THERE as proof of who I say I am. If I give the right password into Blogspot, then I am redirected BACK to and am immediately logged in. It means I only ever have to interact with Blogspot - providing the website I want to log into actually ACCEPTS OpenID logins.

Sounds simple.

But I had to internet browse for 90 minutes looking at other youtube videos (including this very random but pure Mr Bean video) and web comments before I could feel qualified to make a decision about whether I would use OpenID, or not.

And I think I could find a use for it - maybe. I actually don't mind that each site I visit has a different username and password, kind of like a disguise I use depending on why I'm there (that's not as suss as it sounds!), but there are sites, like news and radio or basic fun sites for instance, where it doesn't matter if they know my information or not. Ok, will give it a go.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

1.1 - Online Privacy and Security

Liked the 2-minute video about personal security within social networking sites . It makes plain sense. Our public library customers, especially those new to the web, need to know these things.

I've downloaded Keepass and tried it... I now need more time to appreciate its features but it looks like a relatively simple piece of software, designed to keep my passwords stored securely on my computer, away from the prying eyes of online filtration sites. Thanks for this.

Interestingly, I saw a comment on a Facebook page that was questioning social networkers who upload a photo from a camera found while holidaying in Greece or Hawaii or the like. The networker writes a friendly "Hey I found this camera, would love to give it back to its owner, here's the last photo, let me know who this is and I'll get in touch with them to return their camera, thanks!" type message. But, there's the question about the validity of the 'finder'. Who can tell if this is someone preying on somebody else, or the person in the photo is actually wanting to remain hidden from this particular networker. It's scary, but it happens, and in a way giving your personal information across any website is just like this photograph. Who knows for what purposes they will use it. Best advice: be careful, be candid, be wise.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A new beginning... Getting with it

Miss Diggy re-surfaces to plough the Web 2.0 learning programme once again.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

# 23. The end...

...of this blog for the sake of 'having to' but not the end of it all. Like life in general, a journey never ends. We get to the place we are going, we relax and say "ahhh, isn't it nice to finish?" but we never actually stop. We never actually sit down where we landed, cross our legs and our arms and cease to move. Even beyond death there's a part of us that lives, stuff for the worms to munch on, thoughts we've left behind carried on by others...

..Anyway, I digress...

This Web 2.0 training has been an interesting, intriguing, sometimes frustrating, sometimes annoying, fascinating, enjoyable, social learning experience. When I look back to the beginning and see how much I didn't know I didn't know (that sentence DOES make sense!) I am amazed and impressed with myself and all the others who undertook this journey with me. Well done us!

Here's what I think about the last "23 things" we've learnt about since July 20th 2008:
- I've grown to enjoy blogging. Just like writing a letter but much quicker and more self-satisfying.
- Christchurch City Libraries are doing incredible Web2.0 things, congratulations guys and gals, you are many a libraries' mentor.
- I'm still not comfortable with Tags and RSS but will keep using them to help make my 'journey' more meaningful.
- Geriatric1927 is an adorable old man from Leceister who should shine like a beacon for all us Web2.0 newbies, if he can then we can.
- I love podcasts and can get stuck for hours wandering aimlessly in podcastland.
- Dr.House plays the piano wonderfully. Really, actually, plays the piano.
- You can get whole books on the internet, free of copyright and fully downloadable. This was an amazing discovery.
- I'm not a Bebo fan. Maybe it's age. Facebook is best.

And finally, that Libraries all over the world are trying their damndest to break successfully into the Web2.0 market. I welcome them wholeheartedly. Web 2.0 is happening. Now. I'll meet you there.

Signing out,
Miss Diggy.