...of this blog for the sake of 'having to' but not the end of it
all. Like life in general, a journey never ends. We get to the place we are going, we relax and say "ahhh, isn't it nice to finish?" but we never actually stop. We never actually sit down where we landed, cross our legs and our arms and cease to move. Even beyond death there's a part of us that lives, stuff for the worms to munch on, thoughts we've left behind carried on by others...
..Anyway, I digress...
This Web 2.0 training has been an interesting, intriguing, sometimes frustrating, sometimes annoying, fascinating, enjoyable, social learning experience. When I look back to the beginning and see how much I didn't know I didn't know (that sentence DOES make sense!) I am amazed and impressed with myself and all the others who undertook this journey with me. Well done us!
Here's what I think about the last "23 things" we've learnt about since July 20th 2008:
- I've grown to enjoy blogging. Just like writing a letter but much quicker and more self-satisfying.
Christchurch City Libraries are doing incredible Web2.0 things, congratulations guys and gals, you are many a libraries' mentor.
- I'm still not comfortable with Tags and RSS but will keep using them to help make my 'journey' more meaningful.
Geriatric1927 is an adorable old man from Leceister who should shine like a beacon for all us Web2.0 newbies, if
he can then
we can.
- I love podcasts and can get stuck for hours wandering aimlessly in podcastland.
- Dr.House plays the piano wonderfully. Really, actually, plays the piano.
- You can get
whole books on the internet, free of copyright and fully downloadable. This was an amazing discovery.
- I'm not a Bebo fan. Maybe it's age. Facebook is best.
And finally, that Libraries all over the world are trying their damndest to break successfully into the Web2.0 market. I welcome them wholeheartedly. Web 2.0 is happening. Now. I'll meet you there.
Signing out,
Miss Diggy.