THIS was interesting... Being a
Facebook fan already, I went confidently into the land of
Bebo and
MySpace only to find myself bombarded with tacky photos and eyebrow-raising profiles and videos and pictures and slagging off of anyone who's anyone! I was dismayed that the majority of profiles in both Bebo and MySpace are public and either the users don't know or don't care who finds out where they attend high school, which cafe they frequent, who their enemies are and what their sister's name is. I'm gonna hazard a guess that all new Bebo and MySpace profiles are, by default, "public" unless you have the common sense and personal security to make them private. Perhaps I'm a privacy freak, but for me Facebook is the winner today.
So having said all that, the following shouldn't come as any surprise... I don't, for a minute, want library customers who visit
MY library's Bebo page to happily click away into random profiles that include sexual offers of "
luv up 2 5 times a day"!!!! I'm sorry, but there HAS to be another way of connecting with our library customers!!!
Ok, that was my gripe. On a more positive note, I think
MySpace Music has done an awesome thing for the music industry by promoting
all and
any up and coming bands and musos. A totally cool advantage of Social Networking.
Hi Miss Diggy,
Yes, you have to make your profiles private on MySpace, Bebo and Facebook..none of the sites offer it as the default. And I don't think 'luv' is meant to be anything sexual, just, ya know, "where is the love?" "here is some luv for you!" :)
Thanks for clarifying miss frazzled! But honestly, it took me only two clicks into Bebo to see people offering sex. And not just for kicks, not just the "spread the luv around" kind of lovey-dovey type stuff. This was outright advertising from the sex industry utilising free webspace to broadcast their wares. That, I guess, is what I found offensive. But then again, it's a free world.
Sigh... :)
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